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The following COVID-19 protocols are based on New York State Department of Health Guidance (as of March 2021). The Albany Rebels Gaelic Football Club will make every effort adhere strictly to
official guidance from the NYS Governor’s office, the NYS Department of Health, and the
Albany County Department of Health. These procedures will be revised as necessary and
communicated to all playing members of the club upon revision and approval by the Albany
Rebels Executive Board.

The Albany Rebels Board has determined that Gaelic Football falls within the Medium to High
Risk categories as detailed in the NYS guidance.



All players must complete the screening survey from home in advance of training if they can
take their temperature at home. If a player cannot do this the team has a touchless thermometer
so that players can have their temperature taken at the training location and can then use their
cellphones to complete the screening before being cleared for participation in training.

If a player answers yes to any question you may not attend or participate in training.


Health Screening Form



  • Before and after training all balls and equipment will be disinfected.

  • At any time when you cannot maintain a 6 foot distance from another individual you must wear a mask or face covering. When restrictions loosen we will allow scrimmages for those who wish to participate. Face coverings will not be provided by the club and are the responsibility of each individual player.

  • Players must sanitize their hands regularly, but especially before and after each drill.

  • Coaches and trainers when not participating in the playing activity must wear masks or
    face coverings unless they are sufficiently distanced from participants at all times.

  • Pinnies/Bibs – All players will be provided with one that they will keep and will be
    responsible for washing and bringing to training.

  • Water bottles – bring your own.

  • Cones will be used during training drills to show players where to stand to ensure appropriate distancing in maintained.

  • No scrimmages will be allowed, or any small sided games. Only drills or practice methods where 6ft distancing can be maintained will be employed until revision of this document.


Contact Tracing

  • For the purpose of contact tracing a log will be kept for each training date.

  • Should a player, or a person a player has been in close contact with, test positive they
    must notify, Cillian Flavin, Joe Bradley, and John Levendosky via email and text immediately so that the appropriate authorities can be contacted for the purposes of contact tracing.

  • The local and state Department of Health are the ‘authorities’ that will be contacted.

  • After a COVID positive test a player may return to training when their mandatory quarantine period has ended.



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